How to stay healthy during business trips

By Helen Christos

Travelling takes a particular toll on all of us, but mostly on the working woman.
Out of town trips usually mean stays of continual meetings and evenings spent with business associates over dinner. It really can be a grueling schedule and one that leaves little time or energy for fitness and taking care of yourself.
It’s easy to understand how a regular exercise regimen can be neglected during business trips, simply because there does not seem to be time enough for anything other than work. While it is possible to rationalize why traveling can be a legitimate excuse for easing up on exercise, the benefits to continuing with a fitness program “on the road” are more compelling.
Business trips can be draining physically and mentally. Instead of experiencing exhaustion during and after travel, it is possible to retain stamina and energy. These guidelines and suggestions will help ensure that you keep fit when you are on the road.
Travelling across time zones presents the problem of jet lag, which is the bane of many frequent fliers. Jet lag is the disorder that arises when your biological rhythms regulating the body’s functions are disrupted. Sleep or wake patterns, digestions, body temperature, and even hormonal secretions are influenced. Jet lag symptoms include drowsiness, insomnia, headaches, loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea and irritability.
Many studies have been conducted by different scientists but this one, done by Dr. Charles F. Ehret, PhD, at the Argome National Laboratory, revealed that we humans do not have to be the passive victims of disrupted body clocks. Jet lag can be avoided by implementing sleep and diet patterns just prior to flying.
These following tips can help you prepare for new zones without suffering from jet lag.

It takes about one full day per time zone crossed for our bodies to adapt to new destinations. Most business travelers do not have the luxury of arriving three to five days in advance of a transcontinental or transoceanic meeting. However, it is possible to adjust your body clock to the new destination before you leave by trying to adapt to the sleep/wake cycle of the city to be visited. This means going to bed and getting up according to the time it would be in your destination city.
While it may not be practical to totally conform to your destination’s time zone, any alteration of your patterns will help you adjust more quickly when you arrive.
It is recommended that you avoid caffienated beverages on all days, except the day of flight. If you need a caffeine boost on any day before your flight, you can indulge only from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on flight day. If you are traveling from the east coast to the west, drink coffee, tea or cola only in the morning. Eastbound travelers should have caffeinated drinks only between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Once in flight, begin to adjust to your destination’s local time by resetting your watch. Skip meals until breakfast or the new time zone, then eat a high protein “feast” breakfast. This should be followed later in the day with a high protein lunch and a high carbohydrate dinner.
Be comfortable while in flight. Low healed shoes are a necessity when flying. This is not the time to break in a new pair of shoes. Many travellers experience swollen feet during air travel because they are confined to a seat which doesn’t permit good circulation. The pull of gravity causes blood to pool in the body’s extremities, creating puffiness in the feet and ankles. Ideally, you should bring along an extra pair of shoes that are slightly larger to accommodate any swelling.
Airplane cabins are very drying and it is easy to become dehydrated during the flight. Drink plenty of fluids onboard. Water and fruit juices are the best liquids to consume.
When you are in flight, synchronize your body to the sleep/wake hours of your destination. Set your watch ahead or behind and adjust your behaviour to that of your destination. For example, if you fly during your day but their night, you should try to sleep in flight. You will then be synchronized with the new time zone when you arrive during their day. This way you are coordinating your body’s rhythms to the light/dark cycle of the new time zone.
If possible, schedule your arrival during the daylight. It is easier for the body to adjust once you arrive. Try to get to bed and wake up according to the local time.
Safe travels to all!


Helen Christos, or Lady Helen, as she is known to her clients, is a multitalented and humanitarian lady who was born in Greece, the home of medicine and philosophy. Helen was educated in her homeland, Canada, USA, and Concordia University. Her philosophy is that for someone to learn quickly the best way is to be involved. Helen became many things to many people. For the last 25 years she has operated a privateconsultation service on holistic health and natural beauty to individuals and companies. Helen is the author of two books on these topics and on medical astrology. Her clients are often amazed at the accuracy of the vital information offered. For those who wish, contact Helen with your questions at:, and include your date of birth and phone number.